The Forge
Sovras have eggs that are big as watermelons, but are very thick until the hatchling is ready to hatch. They give off a glow that shows the egg is healthy, but parts of the egg are sort of see through, and this with the glow makes it easy for others who would do harm find the eggs. This and the fact angel eggs are much more sensitive than most other eggs makes it easy to have the eggs be killed or die. Back when angels had a more ‘traditional’ sense of having children, a clutch typically would have 15 eggs, but only 4-5 eggs would hatch if the cenn {parent} was lucky. With all the effort and little reward angels then came up with the FORGE.
The FORGE was a system that not only kept the eggs in ideal circumstances and protected them but also was a way to create them as well. Taking the remains of the dead and the sheddings of their wings, the FORGE melting down the materials and the DNA would then fuse/mix. The eggs would float down and be stored in compartments till the eggs were about to hatch, in which they were moved to a chapel were the hatchlings would stay till they were younglings. Once they were younglings angels were able to have links and be able to learn how the world works and such. Compared to the low success rates to the ‘traditional’, the FORGE was made and 95% of the eggs made and kept in it would hatch. This helped keep the angel population stable, and with lesser pressure on angels on such things. Forges have holy artifacts that power them.