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The Laws are the official laws and customs of the angels. These laws are enforced, and those breaking the laws suffer the brutal consequences of their actions. Its recommended your angels follow them, else they might suffer from the repercussions.

Abuse of Children is forbidden

If you are found abusing a child, be it with your words or physically, you shall be punished severely. You will suffer the same fates you put the child through before being shattered, and your remains will be destroyed, ending your line and your death dishonorable.

Cruelty to prey or others is forbidden

Being cruel to fellow angels and that which you hunt is forbidden! If being found out you are being cruel, you shall be shattered depending on the severity of your crimes.

Righteous Murder Is permitted

If proven, righteous murder of another permitted. You must be able to prove your actions are in the right, and would be supported by the Angelic god of wrath and Justice. If the god does not approve or send a sign of his approval, you are to be shattered.

Theft is Not Tolerated

Due to Aetherus being a more open trading like system where food is free, homes are free, and such, stealing items and such is not tolerated. The first offenses are treated lightly, where you must work off your crime, contentious offenses means you are given a ward and locked in a cell depending on severity. Those who steal holy items and artifacts are shattered.

More laws shall be added as time moves on.