The Sovra Angels have a ranking system that is similar to the ranking system of an army. The ranking system is as follows.
Lower Choir
Angel - The most basic of ranks, angels are naturally born into this rank. They can have any almost any occupation, like a builder, craftsman, chief, etc. They are technically are rankless in the official standing of the Sovras
Guardians- Guardians are the basic protectors, while they will help others, they mainly look after hatchlings and help Honors out.
Saga - Sagas record all history, are scholars who study enough become a Saga. A Saga’s thirst for knowledge is something that is awe-inspiring and fearful.
Honors- Honors are like shamans of the angel world. Angels who are born Seekers [Angels born with special powers] will eventually become Honors. The Honors are ones who do not fight unless needed, teach the youth, heal others, and are on par with Archangels, as the two work together to ensure the safety of the horde. They often have markings painted on them, and wear robes.
Middle Choir
Archangels - Archangels are angels that look after the horde. A horde will range from anywhere to around 200 angels, with 5 archangels at all times. Archangels are the beings who are the generals of the horde and will always look after everyone, be it making sure they eat, rest when needed, or be a temporary Familiar, an archangel lives and dies for the horde. Archangels have ‘halos’ that are simple. While they are technically in the Middle Choir, they are only there since Archangels are expected to fight.
Authorities - The elite warriors, they are called upon to defend all of angelkind from great enemies, from beings who would cause massive destruction. They often wear their Armour when on duty, and will spend many years training as a warrior to finally become an Authority.
Dominions - The angels in charge of the elite warriors, they wear Leo Beast Pelts to symbolize their power.
High Choir
Thrones- Created by the Cherubim, these are robotic like beings that serve to them and the Seraphs.
Cherubim - Cherubim are selected angels that excel at their profession and are often brilliant beings. They are the highest rank an angel can achieve.
Seraphim - Chosen by the gods themselves, Seraphim are considered the highest power. A Seraphim's word is law.